sábado, 7 de abril de 2012


1. Departament of Meta.

Villavicencio is the capital of the department of Meta, is located at the east of Colombia country and in the southeast of Bogotá (Colombian capital). This city is famous for the nice weather, the variety of restaurants, the wonderful landscapes and the modern malls. Also Villavicencio is known like the most important commercial center of the eastern plains, the city of farmers and traders, the gate to the Llanos and sometimes is called like Villavo.

This amazing place has had many changes in the history. Respect to the food we can say that one hundred years ago people used to eat fish food, but now with the land development, the people change the favorite food for red meat. Moreover, in transportation Villavicencio really looks so different, because before did not have road vehicles to communicate with others departments. Nowadays the terrestrial communication is modern and faster by using the long tunnels, one way to greater innovation. Villavicencio today has one of the best access roads in the country.

Also, If you enjoy know about different places, Villavicencio offers many cultural sites that you can visit; Ocarros is a place that you can known about nature and animal, Mercure is where you can know about the agroecological or if you are young or you like a lot go to shopping, you need to go Gramar, this place is the mall more important of all region.

Villavicencio is a magic city which has changed some things throughout it is history. For the citizens those changes have been positive for the Colombian history and the importance for itself. In our opinion is the best Colombian tourist destinations, really be there is so wonderful. 

Villavicencio Tourism: 

2. The Founders Park. 

If you want to take a break of your busy life, in Villavicencio city you can found many places, where you can go and make different and unique tourist plans. Like: Wonderful squares, monuments, ecologic parks, the Acoustic Shell and roundabouts.
In this magic city you don´t only have good experiences,if not also you could learn about the amazing things and you gonna feel in love of villavicencio.

3. Cristo Rey Monument.

  • Visiting the Cristo Rey monument everyday, because it is the most important and oldest religious construction.

  • Impacting The Founders park, because in there are made the main events of the city.

  • Seeing the Acoustic Shell, because you admire de landscape of the city.

  • Do you love riding a horse? Participate in the specialized schools and the different competitions.

  • Do you enjoy dancing ? Go to the  exclusive clubs guaranteeing your security and the absolute fun.

  • If are you catholic, you can enjoy going to Maria Auxiliadora church.

  • Llanera Meat is the typical food that you can eating there.

The principal food/product in Villavicencio:
4. Llanera meat.
The llanera meat is the favorite food, product produced and originally from Villavicencio. This meat is famous for its excellent flavor, exquisite soft texture and incomparable quality. Also this typical food is very recognized because is one of the most important Villavicencio´s basis of the economy, led by the farmers. Additionally this meal is ratified as the most representative natural product that has the eastern plains region. 

How can you prepared meat to the llanera?
5. Llanera meat

To prepare meat to llanera, you need to kill a calf about six months hopefully "Creole" dams are removed enchuzan meat in large stakes should put the meat with salt and vegetables, let stand a timely manner so that the salt and seasonings are mixed homogeneously. Then prepare the spears, are usually wooden and the yopo of tree, in Colombia is the tree expert for most cooks is what gives it the texture, color and flavor to this delicious dish. finish you should put the meat roast until the meat is ready to eating, this is accompanied with potatoes and guacamole, and if you prefer with Coca-Cola.

One of the most important news of Villavicencio:

So are the works in the  Ocoa river

Four hundred million pesos will be allocated by the mayor of Villavicencio to finish work on the waterfront protection of the river Ocoa. Since December the previous year was affected by the rainy season this river waterfront Ocoa. 

Initially, thousand six hundred were invested by the Municipality of Villavicencio. But these resources were not sufficient, due to the complexity of the work and the repair the main access route to the
cattle farms of the city.  This is the official information
according to the report submitted by the Local Committee for the Prevention and Relief and the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Municipality.    
The mayor of Villavicencio is directed by John Guillermo Zuluaga and the statement that he is performing the works of social protection and not mitigation, as the risk to community, the threat especially in winter time; works are constantly monitored by Villavicencio’s mayor.
6. Outlook Ocoa River
7. Scene of Ocoa River.

Pictures bibliography:

  1. http://www.google.com.co/imgres?num=10&hl=es&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=699&tbm=isch&tbnid=pgQ7WuNsJOxb3M:&imgrefurl=http://www.mapiripan-meta.gov.co/nuestromunicipio.shtml%3Fapc%3Dmmxx-1-%26x%3D1670296&docid=7RMsYIRVJGhgTM&imgurl=http://mapiripan-meta.gov.co/apc-aa-files/62343430396335656331663061316466/mapa_pais.JPG&w=322&h=430&ei=Df-AT67bMsmgtwf9pO3HBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=538&vpy=328&dur=911&hovh=260&hovw=194&tx=78&ty=161&sig=108859079312816767326&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=179&tbnw=132&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0,i:87 
  2. http://www.google.com.co/imgres?q=parque+los+fundadores+villavicencio&num=10&um=1&hl=es&rlz=1C1SKPC_enCO357CO393&biw=1280&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=pEKqBS44CM8psM:&imgrefurl=http://www.llanera.com/galeria/details.php%3Fimage_id%3D108&docid=dow6fSYyoZzKXM&imgurl=http://www.llanera.com/galeria/data/media/9/villavo011.jpg&w=421&h=291&ei=ZxNDT872JNTkggfPosSlCA&zoom=1
  3. http://www.google.com.co/imgres?q=monumento+de+cristo+rey+en+villavicencio&um=1&hl=es&rlz=1C1SKPC_enCO357CO393&biw=1280&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=3sRnvBtgwThiIM:&imgrefurl=http://www.colombiacontact.com/destinies/meta/es_villavicencio.html&docid=QIolRhSvvBfMdM&imgurl=http://www.colombiacontact.com/img/jpgs/fotos/ciudades/villavicencio2.jpg&w=150&h=199&ei=0BNDT_fkI5DDgAeb3ISlCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=498&vpy=191&dur=450&hovh=159&hovw=119&tx=75&ty=63&sig=103538523798113182719&page=1&tbnh=159&tbnw=117&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=0CEUQrQMwAg
  4. http://www.google.com.co/imgres?hl=es&sa=X&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=699&tbm=isch&tbnid=NVwMOqgrYlbyGM:&imgrefurl=http://www.alcaldiadevillavicencio.gov.co/ws/%3Fcategoria%3D9%26seccion%3D42&docid=wJrHrQz2EE0ajM&imgurl=http://www.alcaldiadevillavicencio.gov.co/ws/imagenesgrandes/comidatipica31-03-2010_17_42_44.jpg&w=745&h=564&ei=LQWBT4ajNpTrtgfJzfHBBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=404&vpy=374&dur=764&hovh=195&hovw=258&tx=136&ty=174&sig=108859079312816767326&page=1&tbnh=151&tbnw=199&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0,i:85
  5. http://www.google.com.co/imgres?hl=es&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=699&tbm=isch&tbnid=8QCDfbXmqvBsaM:&imgrefurl=http://delicias-julieth.blogspot.com/2010/10/ternera-la-llanera.html&docid=2R5svyA6kNAESM&imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgL636LrYJihgVSv_097w8mL_5Z0_lJhKHRivulRsTFOSxViaY8zd9kmr1uwCoLnuSVZUYtI48Vitb_i_kvSApBOiToO3VdPGl8HQnJyftfZgRsjSKVQzd9n8mNQ8RM7QSQWGExbGC3ImKk/s1600/carne3%25255B1%25255D.jpg&w=300&h=238&ei=DAWBT-SDOoyDtgf5vbGdDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=414&sig=108859079312816767326&page=1&tbnh=153&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:144&tx=58&ty=51
  6. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=rio+ocoa+villavicencio+colombia&hl=es&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=656&tbm=isch&tbnid=e2_EsGZf84YrBM:&imgrefurl=http://www.que.es/ultimas-noticias/sucesos/201112022008-sube-cifra-muertos-precipitaciones-colombia-efe.html&docid=FSw_0R_XPs4K5M&imgurl=http://www.que.es/archivos/201112/4234392w-365xXx80.jpg&w=365&h=245&ei=K2RvT4vCKcqcgwfm_tRr&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=971&sig=117801737984604151344&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=191&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=96&ty=84
  7. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=rio+ocoa+villavicencio&hl=es&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=656&tbm=isch&tbnid=L_V3o8Y_tjYpXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.noticiasdevillavicencio.com/index.php%3Fid%3D54%26tx_ttnews%255Btt_news%255D%3D162%26cHash%3D9c77a856eb7cc24f7fa7d8acb44183d0&docid=JfkRESFdxB7QqM&imgurl=http://www.noticiasdevillavicencio.com/uploads/RTEmagicC_Carretera_3_01.jpg.jpg&w=631&h=356&ei=tW5vT8bhGcPVgQfim7Rr&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=938&vpy=164&dur=2664&hovh=169&hovw=299&tx=201&ty=85&sig=117801737984604151344&page=1&tbnh=108&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0
 Information Bibliography:

  1. http://www.turismovillavicencio.gov.co/ 
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villavicencio 
  3. http://www.noticiasdevillavicencio.com/